New Title



    Welcome - 2:00-2:30pm

    Teaching - 2:30-2:45pm

    Worship - 2:45-3:00pm

    Teaching - 3:00-3:20pm

    - What is Discipleship

    - Individual Formation Plan

    Prayer - 3:20-3:45pm

    - Self-reflective solitude  

    - Take IFP

    Break - 3:45-4:00 pm

    Group Activity - 4:00-4:10 pm

    Teaching - 4:10-4:30pm

    -What is Community Building? 

    Semester Schedule - 4:30-4:45pm


    -Important events - mention sign ups 


    Breakouts - 4:45-5:45pm

    - Session 1 - 4:45-5:15pm

    - Session 2 - 5:15-5:45pm

    Dinner - 5:45- 6:30pm

    -Eat with groups

    Prayer - 6:30-7:00pm

     -over Ignite 

     -over campus

    Worship - 7:00-7:30pm

    Clean up - 7:30pm


    Maybe you're longing to discover the purpose of your life. you may have a ton of questions about faith. maybe you're still reconciling moments from your past. or maybe you're excited to take your next step as a disciple-maker. Regardless of where you are in your faith walk, you need the guiding presence of KING jesus. 

    Being a follower of christ means putting off the old self and walking in a way that's worthy of the calling you've received. Scripture says "The one who says he remains in him should walk as Jesus walked" (1 John 2:6). We must keep in step with the Holy Spirit, crucify our flesh, take up our cross and follow jesus daily.

    Ignite Discipleship means committing to take your next step with Jesus as you:

    1) Grow in a GROUP (Study scripture together)

    2) Serve on a TEAM (with Ignite on campus) 

    3) Connect with a LOCAL CHURCH (regulalrly attend)

    The purpose of ignite discipleship is to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus through community.

    Of course, Christian discipleship - walking as jesus walked - is not merely attending a group each week or serving at an event. Discipleship is a call to follow jesus in every aspect of your life. it's how we become transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2) so that we can go into a broken and hurting generation and preach the gospel to the whole world (Mark 16:15).  


    Since discipleship is not a checklist, but a way of life, we expect you to live a life completely surrendered to the authority of Jesus every day. This means that you're regularly reading scripture, praying, serving and connecting with a local church.

    We also understand that life is tough, there are unexpected circumstances that happen - and - that you're a student. 

    Here are some expectations to help you develop a solid framework for ignite discipleship:

    1) Spend daily quiet time with Jesus - this is your main line of defense against sin, uncertainty, temptation and spiritual warfare. if you're stpending time with jesus, you'll have a growing affection for the things of heaven instead of the things of the world.

    2) You represent the name of jesus & Ignite on campus. Be wise - don't do anything that would cause others to question your character. 

    3) Be sure to regularly attend Tuesday Night worship so you can help new students take their next step with jesus.

    4) Commit to regularly contributing to your d-group so that you can grow in your relationship with jesus and help others in your group grow too. 

    5) Consistently serve on a team so that we can 

    reach UofL more effectively.


    Servant leadership consists of a small group of students who are willing to sacrifice their time, effort and energy and go above and beyond the normal discipleship commitment of serving UofL. 

    Servant leadership is a prayerful selection of students who demonstrated high character, capacity & commitment. 

    Remaining consistent with our mission, Servant Leaders will take their next step with Jesus by cultivating the culture of Ignite. 

    Servant Leadership includes 2 roles:

    1) Community Builder - create connections with others on campus, invite people into the community, look for new disciple-making relationships

    2) Group Leader - study the Bible and do life together with a small group

    Applications and selection for servant leadership begin at the end of spring semester. Students invited to participate on servant leadership will have more responsibilities over the summer and during the course of the semester, but will also be poured into by ignite staff. 

    The life, thoughts and actions of a servant leader coincide with Philippians 2:3-8:

    "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:  Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself 

    by becoming obedient to death—

    even death on a cross!"


    "Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

    A d-group (discipleship group) is a group of like-minded individuals that you'll meet with on a weekly basis. 

    Taking your next step with jesus means developing the mind of christ  (1 Corinthians 2:16) and drawing near to God as he draws near to you (James 4:8). A D-group provides a consistent time to read scripture, hear from god and fight sin together in community. If we confess our sins to one another and pray for each other, god promises that healing will come (James 5:16). 

    D-groups will be same-gender groups, but also be paired together with another brother/sister group for hangouts throughout the semester. people will be placed in groups based on pre-existing relationships (we'll try to keep friendships together). 

    Groups will start off relatively small (~5 people) so that meaningful conversation can take place. The hope is that by inviting others to be part of the group, it will grow, split, and keep multiplying. We desire to multiply groups so that others have the opportunity to experience the power and grace of Jesus in community.

    Each D-group will have a facilitator (typically a servant leader) and a community leader (someone older in the community that has some wisdom to share). 

    The facilitator, community leader and group will be responsible for determining a regular time and place to meet throughout the semester. Groups can meet during the day, in the evening, in a home, at the ignite space. the options are limitless.

    A D-group is a consistent way to take your next 

    step with Jesus, but remember: discipleship is consistently submitting to Jesus in every aspect of your life! 


    Here's the tentative schedule for the flow of d-groups during the semester and a preview of the curriculum. 

    Week 1 - 8/21/23 - Kick Off / Do something fun

    Week 2 - 8/28/23 - Parables Section 1

    Week 3 - 9/4/23 - Parables Section 2

    Week 4 - 9/11/23 - Parables Section 3

    Week 5 - 9/18/23 - Parables Section 4

    Week 6 - 9/25/23 - Parables Section 5

    Week 7 - 10/2/23 - Parables Section 6

    Week 8 - 10/9/23 - NO GROUPS - Fall Break

    Week 9 - 10/16/23 - Parables Section 7

    Week 10 - 10/23/23 - Parables Section 8

    Week 11 - 10/30/23 - Hang out

    Week 12 - 11/6/23 - Parables Section 9

    Week 13 - 11/13/23 - Parables Section 10

    Week 14 - 11/20/23 - NO GROUPS - Thanksgiving

    Week 15 - 11/27/23 - Parables Section 11


    We'll use an app called Geneva (it's better than GroupMe) 💪

    This app will keep you updated with all the events and serving opportunities we have going on.

    Click this link to join if you haven't already!


    We'll be covering Parables in Scripture this semesater. Here's a link to the curriculum:

    Fall Curriculum


    IFP stands for Individual Formation Plan. It's the way we'll help you grow spiritually this year. 

    Here's the link to check it out:

    Individual Formation Plan


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