And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.(2 Cor. 3:18)
To help you in your journey to become a resilient disciple-maker, here are some resources that focus on 3 key areas of growth:information, transformation & function
Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin. This book is a practical, informative book in the whys and the hows of studying the Bible effectively.
Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion by Rebecca McLaughlin. This book is an accessible read that answers challenging questions about Christianity to give non-believers a truer perspective and to best inform modern Christians to defend their faith.
None Like Him by Jen Wilkin. This book walks through 10 important attributes of God that grows Christians and/or non-christians in their understanding of who God is in an accessible read.
I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist
by Frank Turek and Norman Geisler. This book lays out the evidence for truth, God, and the Bible in logical order that claims that it requires a smaller amount of faith to be a Christian due to how reasonable it is.
What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert. This is a great book on the basics of what the gospel is in a short read discussing God as Creator and judge, sin, Jesus, and the Christian response to knowing these things.
Mere Christianity
by C.S. Lewis. This book lays out some core arguments/beliefs about Christianity.
What is the Bible? This Bible Project video helps people see what the Bible is in a clear and practical way discussing its history, its content, and its value.
What is the Gospel? 3 Circles diagram.
This video is a clear practice to grasp the understanding of the gospel and can also be replicated to help others understand it, as well.
Digging into Bible Study
with Jen Wilkin: A 5-Day Plan (6 short video sessions) This video series is a clear, step by step Bible Study practice that can be paired with her book, Women of the Word.
Who is God?A pastor lays out clear points of who God is and why knowing these things about Him should help us live out our lives as Christians on earth.
Gentle and Lowly by Dane C. Ortlund. This book can transform the hearts of Christians by learning the heart of God.
Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools: An Invitation to the Wonder and Mystery of Prayer by Tyler Staton. This book helps to develop and grow Christians’ prayer lives to be transformed by their connection to the Father.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Unleash a Revolution in Your Life in Christ by Peter Scazzero. This book helps to mature Christians emotionally and spiritually leading to a transformed Christian life.
Imaginative prayer.This YouTube video gives clear guided imaginative prayer.
How to Change Deeply by Tim Keller. Time Keller shares at a conference an incredible message on how to truly be changed by Christ.
Silence & Solitude
by John Mark Comer. These two conversations teach Christians how to experience silence & solitude in a practical, transformative way.
Intro to Guided Prayer.This podcast series is a helpful tool to practice and experience transformation in prayer with the Lord.
Halo app. Specifically the Daily Offering, Morning Offering, Unguided Silence, and Daily Meditations are helpful tools to experience transformation in prayer. (but it’s Catholic)
Lectio 365 app.This app is beneficial for prayer and scripture that leads to transformation.
Radical by David Platt. This book convicts the ordinary Christian to evaluate their lives and their church to better walk in the life of a biblical Christian.
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. This book is an outlined 40-day journey of discovering our God-given purpose and living a more fulfilling life on earth.
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. This book is an argument that discipleship requires more than just belief, but to commit to following Jesus in hardship.
4 Chair Discipling: What He Calls Us to Do
by Dann Spader. This book is a practical way to learn how to move people to their next step with Jesus through discipleship.
Turning Everyday Conversations into Gospel Conversations by Bennett Leslee, Jimmy Scroggins, and Steve Wright. This book is a strategic book to train newer believers to join God in the spreading of His gospel work.
Master Plan
of Evangelism by Robert Emerson Coleman. This book discusses evangelical principles that Jesus participated in during His ministry.
Generosity - This article lays out 4 practical ways to view and practice in generosity as a Christian.
Christian life- Biblical Truths that help you live your life as a Christian.
Hospitality - Hospitality is the calling of a Christian and this video, by John Mark Comer, shares how we are to live hospitable lives.
Generosity - Generosity of Chistians is Biblical and this video, by the Bible Project, gives us a clear perspective on why we are to live lives marked by the generosity of our Lord.
Sabbath - John Piper helps Christians to understand how to practice Sabbath in our modern world.
How to Become Evangelism Ready - TGC Podcast helps Christians to have a practical and biblical foundation in being prepared to share their faith.