Prayer is simply the medium through which we communicate and commune with God. The practice of prayer is learning to set aside dedicated time to intentionally be with God, in order to become like him and partner with him in the world.
We know prayer can be tedious and mundane. Sometimes we don't even know where to start. Check out the guided prayer prompts below to help you prayer for an hour!
Last Tuesday we talked about how to identify idols in our lives. Pray through the questions Caleb challenged us with to see if there's anything keeping God from the center of your life.
You can meet with God anywhere anytime. Need some guidance though? Set aside time to meet with God and learn His heart and Mission in our Virtual Reality Prayer Space.
Here's an Eight-week journey through the Lord's Prayer that teaches you different ways to pray. If you've never prayed before or want to grow in prayer, this video series is a great place to start!
Lectio 365 is a daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day. This resource helps you engage with the word, fix your eyes on Jesus, and connect with God in prayer.
Prayer is the center point of life with God. It should be woven into the fabric of our morning routine, our weekly schedule. It is here where we get to enjoy the Father’s company. Prayer is our opportunity to interact with the Creator God and participate in his work of bringing redemption to earth. Check out some podcasts on prayer here!
We would love to pray for you! Text us to meet up with a few people who can pray with you or help you grow in prayer.
Prayer is simply the medium through which we communicate and commune with God. The practice of prayer is learning to set aside dedicated time to intentionally be with God, in order to become like him and partner with him in the world.
We know prayer can be tedious and mundane. Sometimes we don't even know where to start. Check out the guided prayer prompts below to help you prayer for an hour!
Last Tuesday we talked about how to identify idols in our lives. Pray through the questions Caleb challenged us with to see if there's anything keeping God from the center of your life.
You can meet with God anywhere anytime. Need some guidance though? Set aside time to meet with God and learn His heart and Mission in our Virtual Reality Prayer Space.
Here's an Eight-week journey through the Lord's Prayer that teaches you different ways to pray. If you've never prayed before or want to grow in prayer, this video series is a great place to start!
Lectio 365 is a daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day. This resource helps you engage with the word, fix your eyes on Jesus, and connect with God in prayer.
Prayer is the center point of life with God. It should be woven into the fabric of our morning routine, our weekly schedule. It is here where we get to enjoy the Father’s company. Prayer is our opportunity to interact with the Creator God and participate in his work of bringing redemption to earth. Check out some podcasts on prayer here!
We would love to pray for you! Text us to meet up with a few people who can pray with you or help you grow in prayer.